BioCombus Technology in the press media
Wood pellet industry puts Portuguese forest at risk, warns association Zero
Source: Dinheiro Vivo/Lusa
In what is the first Annual Barometer on the Pellet Industry in Portugal, from the Zero association, the data is considered worrying and "calls into question the sustainability of the use of wood in the industry for the production of products with greater added value".
Biocombus, a UTAD project to use waste from the olive sector
Source: FM University
The project is based on innovative technology that will create a Biomass production line involving a system for treating and recovering waste from the olive and cork sectors.
The olive oil sector is experiencing a “true nightmare” in the Douro and Trás-os-Montes region
Source: Jornal de Negócios
Olive growers and olive growers in Douro and Trás-os-Montes complain of a "difficult campaign" due to the decrease in the price of olive oil and olives and the "unexpected cost" of transporting and treating the pomace residue, applied by the extracting industries.
Solutions to reuse waste from olive oil mills
Source: NOCTULA - Environmental Consultants
The BioCombus project process mixes waste from olive oil mills with waste from the Cork Industry, obtaining, as a final product, a solid biofuel with great potential for recovery, high calorific value and which does not constitute an environmental problem.
UTAD's BioCombus technology highlighted by the Altran Foundation for Innovation
Source: Voz do Campo
BioCombus Technology from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) was highlighted by the Altran Foundation for Innovation, as part of its annual award for choosing the most innovative international project, this year with the theme “Innovate for One More Sustainable World.
Vila Real researcher awarded for innovative waste treatment
Source: Jornal de Notícias
A researcher from the University of Vila Real was one of the winners of the "Green Projects Awards" for authoring an innovative process for treating waste and effluents from olive oil mills with cork powder for biomass production.